TIP on connecting with Audience by Motivational Speaker in Hyderabad saurabh chharia.
You just finish your presentation and just feel it was not that great, you were not able to connect with the people properly? I know it happens with most of us.
I used to suffer a lot in this regard. So here am i with a powerful Public speaking Training Hyderabad Tip which will help you to connect with the audience in a lot better way.
When i was in college i used to see so many guests who used to come onto the stage and speak in Technical fests “when they used to speak we used to sleep” because they were totally boring.. They used to blabber all about there achievements talking about pure technical stuffs which we never understood. I know many of you might have had the same experience in your life as well.
Now the point is why it used to happen .Why they sound so BORING ? There are lot many reasons for that but there is a very big Reason and a point which makes them a BORING SPEAKER that is they are just “SPEAKING WHAT THEY KNOW” they are not sharing with us “HOW THE KNOW WHAT THEY KNOW”.
In simple Words they are not telling us the story behind there success or failure . We humans are grown up in such a way that we love listening stories. When we were a kid and when our parents or grandparents used to say “ONCE UPON A TIME THERE WAS A KING” we used to become a lot and lot more attentive. Weren’t YOU ?
So why not use this awesome fact that people love listening stories and start using it in our Presentations? Now the question comes how to tell stories in a presentation? There are a lot ways to do that i cant cover them all in this post but let me share a powerful way to tell story.
“TELL YOUR PERSONAL STORY” and “TELL YOUR BEFORE AND AFTER VERSION” what do i mean by that .If you are using a story in a presentation always and always try to use a personal story rather than stories of other people. About telling your before and after version its a great technique which i teach in my public speaking training Hyderabad course .
There are few ways in which you can make your stories a lot more effective. Here is a video on how you can do that .Watch it Right NOW!!!
These are few great tips which you should use in your presentation. In Public speaking training Hyderabad course i get into a lot detail on this. If you are looking to improve your Public speaking skills and looking for a public speaking training course in Hyderabad. Saurabh chharia the Passionate Motivational speaker in Hyderabad is always there to help you.
I saurabh chharia the passionate motivational speaker in Hyderabad asks you this ” Will you use stories in your presentation ??????”
With Love
Saurabh chharia
The Passionate Motivational speaker in Hyderabad,
Public speaking training coach in hyderabad