
10 Jun 2020

Public Speaking in a High Income Skill says Warren Buffet- Public Speaking Tips

You can increase your value by 50 percent just by learning Public speaking- Warren Buffet ( One of the best investors in the world)

Buffett’s point is that mastering the art of public speaking is the single greatest skill to boost your career.

Many of us assume I am not a politician to learn this skill of public speaking and they never ever focus on this one skill which can improve their value by 50%. We are not understanding the value of what we are loosing.

Just think of the people around maybe your friend or a colleague who may be less intelligent than you, less technically equipped than you but they are more successful in career and are earning a lot more than you. They get more onsite opportunities and you always feel you are more deserving than them but I want you to pause for a moment and think why are they paid more even they are less knowledgable than you?

The answer is they are great speakers. They know how to manage the situation by speaking up in the right places. They get more visibility, credibility, and finally profitability. As Warren Buffet says they are 50% more valuable than you just because of one skill that is public speaking.

Let’s understand this with a use case. ( It’s a common story around us)

Ram and Shyam are Engineering classmates who got placed in an MNC and started a career together with the same salary, both working on the same technology they have the same certifications they grow equally for the first 3 years.

Now the time comes to become a Team Lead that’s where the discrimination starts. Shyam gets to become a lead just because of one difference that was speaking. Shyam was a good communicator. Shyam after 3 more years becomes a project manager whereas ram becomes a lead and is still struggling to manage it.

Shyam is earning Rs 1.2 lacks/ month
Ram is still at Rs 70,000/- Months

Shyam gets to travel onsite and earn’s almost 4.5 Lacks/ Month whereas ram is still stuck in the same place.

Ram does nothing but just feeling bad and cursing his fate whereas he never understands that he is just one skill away to increase his value by 50%.

I don’t want you to be that Ram who just prays and wishes that he could achieve more someday I want you to be Shyam who knows that he needs just one skill ” Public Speaking” to become 50% more valuable.

I can give you my example, My Income, Career, Name, and Fame has skyrocketed just because of one skill that is Public Speaking. My yearly income became my monthly income just because of this one skill.

If the richest investor in the world is saying it I hope you understand this and invest some of your time and energy to become 50% more valuable by learning Public Speaking.

If you understand this and will work on improving public speaking skills

Type ” I will” in the comment section below. I will share a plan to work on it for you all.

Saurabh ” I will” Chharia

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